Freitag, 25. November 2011

Lukas Podolski by Fabi1102

by Modder "Fabi1102"

Bundesliga Facepack by Fabi1102

by Modder "Fabi1102"

Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

Coach-Kit "Liverpool"

Dienstag, 8. November 2011

Good News, Modding Way back online!


Moddingway @ Facebook

Good news. We were able to recover our files. Anyway we have to reinstall everything in our server and it will take a few days.
We have already asked our server to be reimaged. After that we will have to setup the new server and upload all the stuff. We will keep you informed. Follow us through Facebook or Twitter (ModdingWay)
We have our server reimaged. Now we are working setting up mysql, php and other stuff. Later we will start uploding website content. Thanks for your Support.
We are back online. Please let us know if you have problems navigating our website. Access to ModdingWay Accounts will be available soon

Source: Facebook

Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Bundesliga CoachKits by 1002MB

by Modder "1002MB"

Send my your Files! / Schickt mir eure Arbeiten!


Ich möchte euch die möglichkeit bieten, das ihr eure arbeiten auf meinem Blog präsentieren könnt!
Schickt mir dazu einfach An
1. denn Download-Link (mit Name der Mod)
2. den Direkt-Link des Vorschau Bildes
3. den Name des Authors
4. eine Anleitung für die Mod

Danach werde ich die Sachen prüfen und Posten!
mfG PEStinatoR


I would like to offer you the possibility that you present your works on my Blog! 
Just Send me To 
1. the download link (with name of the mod)
2. the direct link of the preview image
3. the name of author
4. a readme of the mod 
After That i would consider the matter and post it!
cheers PEStinatoR

Bad News! Modding Way Down!

ModdingWay @ Facebook:
"We are really sorry to inform you that ModdingWay server has gone down and we have no way to recover it. Unfortunately due to my work I was not able to look after the server as I should. Thanks to all our supporters during this time. Also we are really sorry about those that posted their files at our website for not being able to keep them safe. I repeat, due to my work it was impossible for me to look after the server as I should. I hope you understand."

Source: Facebook/Moddingway


Samstag, 5. November 2011

[PES2012] Coach-Kit "Bayern Munich"

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Patch 1.02 Confirmed For November


Patch 1.02 Confirmed For November

More goalkeeper fixes coming as Konami show dedication to this years release.
Huge thanks to Hideiker for the heads up.
Konami have updated their information page in Japan, detailing a new patch coming in November. We already know the Xbox 360 version will be a getting an update this month to fix the run-bug, but it seems there’s more to come. Here’s a loose translation below from the original Japanese article:
2011.11.01 Winning Eleven 2012 (Edition PS3) will deliver a patch file for 1.02
We plan to deliver the patch file in November 2011.
Intensive support is being able to deliver as soon as possible ※. Confirm the delivery date as soon as, we notice again.
Apply the patch file contents are as follows.
As you make adjustments • More comfortable playing. (Goalkeeper behavior, free kick, PK)
• The game plan to correct the configuration. (Easier to see the parameters of the player).
Modify the behavior to stop the online mode in terms of certain circumstances.
· Wykeham including Legend, As you make adjustments more comfortable playing modes.
So more GK work, and even some changes to set-pieces. Also some changes planned for the way the game displays certain stats. Impressed? I am. Sure we all know the game needs a tweak here and there, but did many of you think it would come?
We’ll let you know the exact date this is coming as soon as we know.
Original Japanese article here.
