I had collect some important Tools! to make PES to our game!
AFS Explorer 3.7 by the WE-NG Team
AFS Explorer to prepare img archive
for Everyone
FEI Studio 2010 2.0 by Skunk
FEI Studio 2010 for display of objects! Like Faces, Balls in 3D
for Face-, Hair-, Ball- and Bootsmaker
FEI Studio 2010 for display of objects! Like Faces, Balls in 3D
for Face-, Hair-, Ball- and Bootsmaker
Game Graphic Studio 7.4.0 by obocaman
Game Graphic Studio for browsing .bin und img-archive for graphics
for Everyone
Hex-Editor MX 6.0.2 by Next-Soft
HEX Editor represented by the bytes of any file as a sequence of hexadecimal digits and can edit
for HEX-Profis
HEX Editor represented by the bytes of any file as a sequence of hexadecimal digits and can edit
for HEX-Profis
Paint.NET 3.36 by Rick Brewster
Paint.NET is an image editing software
for Everyone
PES Soundfile converter 1.8 by Referee
PES Soundfile converter is a program you can convert audio files! in adx, aix und wav files!
for Soundmaker
Ultimate Editor for PES2011 & PES2012 4.5.1 by barcafan
Ultimate Editor is used to change the name of team, transfer etc
for Everyone
AVS Audio Converter 7.0.3 by Freeware
AVS Audio Converter is an alternative to Audacity
for Soundmaker
Ultimate Data Explorer 2.8.5 by barcafan
Ultimate Data Explorer includes a hex, image, sound, text & a dpow Editor!
Ultimate Data Explorer includes a hex, image, sound, text & a dpow Editor!
for Everyone